21st Century Societal Challenges

The Structural Issues


Rising Inequality

Loneliness & Mistrust

Increased Stress Levels
Ill Health
Ill Health

Challenges Facing London

Wages outpace living costs

39% of Londoners have an income below the Minimum Income Standard1 (MIS); 58% of Londoners living in poverty live in working families (50% increase).

Increased living costs reduce altruism

White Londoners four times more likely to leave a spare key with a white neighbour than with someone belonging to a different ethnic group2.

Fear as the engine of distrust

After the July 2017 terrorist attacks, trust in strangers dropped from 44% to 36% in London3.

Increased social isolation

London ranked the loneliest city with 55% saying it could be lonely sometimes4.

Automation accelerating inequality

£290 billion associated with jobs that could be automated5.

Diversity & social segregation

Estimates that 65% of primary school children will work in jobs that don’t currently exist6.

Income/life inequality

Income & wealth: in London, top 10% own 50% of wealth. Life expectancy across boroughs differs by 9 years7.

Limited opportunities for exercise

Only 1 in 3 (34%) of Londoners report doing 20 minutes of active travel a day8.

Unequal access to quality greens spaces

Areas with over 40% BAME residents have 11 times less green space9; maintenance budgets being cut in resouce-restrained environment.