A New Understanding of 21st Century Society

The New Human Condition

Biological Multitudes

Confluences of Identities

Contextual Identity (Epigenetics)

Social Brain 

Quantum Materiality

Research demonstrates a ‘relational turn’

Long-term emotion scars

Studies show that depression might be linked to families’ socio-economic status1 through inheritable genetic changes.

Generational epigenetics

People in utero during the Dutch famine died at a higher rate than people born before or afterward2.

Unconscious violence

Experiencing racism leads to added stress3 which becomes allostatic load, leading to increased cortisol and higher risk of cardiovascular disease4.

Scarcity deteriorates IQ

Research shows scarcity associated with poverty, takes up mental bandwidth inhibiting decision-making5.

Networked self-esteem

Communities with high social trust recover more quickly from natural disasters6 e.g. 2004 southern India tsunami.

Inclusive growth

Pain thresholds7 of people who are watching a comedy with others are higher than those of people watching a comedy alone.

Networked identity

People with multiple identities (female Asian Americans8) perform better in math tests when reminded of their ethnicity rather than gender.

Relational well-being

Giving leads to greater well-being for the giver9. Research on 30,000 people across the USA show people who volunteer are healthier and happier.